Mexico November Weather 2025:Forecast and Temperature City by City - TRIPSCOUR

Weather in Mexico in november 2025

Here,you have access to the weather forecast for the month of november for most popular cities in Mexico. These forecasts are probabilities for the month of november from weather reports for over 10 years. The percentage indicates the probability of having the weather mentioned.

Where to go in Mexico in november?

Where to go in Mexico in november:destination map

Mexico:weather map in november in different regions
Mexico:weather map in november in different regions ©

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Where to go in each region in november?

Baja California
(Los Cabos,Tijuana,Bahia Tortugas...)
22°C to 28°C0 à 2 days17°C to 27°C
perfect weather
(Querétaro,Aguascalientes,Zacatecas City...)
21°C to 27°C1 à 2 days
tolerable weather*
Central Mexico
(Mexico City,Puebla,Teotihuacan...)
18°C to 28°C1 à 11 days27°C to 28°C
good weather*
(Palenque,San Cristóbal de las Casas,Puerto Chiapas (Chiapas)...)
23°C to 31°C1 à 10 days30°C
good weather*
North of Mexico
18°C to 33°C0 à 3 days23°C to 27°C
perfect weather*
Pacific coast of Mexico
(Acapulco,Puerto Vallarta,Puerto Escondido...)
20°C to 32°C0 à 8 days28°C to 30°C
good weather*
Yucatán Peninsula
28°C to 30°C4 à 13 days27°C to 28°C
good weather
*over most of the region. Weather may vary locally.

Where should you go in Mexico in november when it comes to the weather?

The climate in Mexico in november ranges from perfect to tolerable depending on the region and city.

In november the weather is just perfect in Mexico,but partially because it concerns only the cities of Puerto Vallarta,Guadalajara,Los Cabos and Guaymas. In these cities,these ideal weather conditions will allow you to enjoy a maximum your travel:the sun is guaranteed,it rains very little and the humidity is endurable. It is therefore the ideal month to go to these cities!

However,the weather is still favorable in Monterrey,Cancun,Chihuahua,Tulum,Cozumel,Mexico City,Chichén Itzá,Oaxaca,Yucatán,Playa del Carmen,Acapulco and Riviera Maya. Around here,temperatures are still pleasing and allow you to visit and enjoy the sun.

Climate in Mexico in november

Climate in Mexico City in november

In the month of november,the mean temperature in Mexico City is 17°C (maximum temperature is 24°C and minimum temperature is 10°C). The climate quite nice in this city in november. With 30mm over 1 days,rain may be scarce during your vacations.
With a good climate,the month of november is an advisable month to go there in Mexico.

Average temperature 17°C
Highest temperature 24°C
Lowest temperature 10°C
Rainfall 30mm
Number of days with rainfall 1 day(s)
Humidity 81%
Daily sunshine hours 10
Cloud cover 17%
Length of day 11:13
Our opinion at good
more information about the climate in Mexico City in november

Climate in Acapulco in november

In the month of november,maximum temperature is 31°C and minimum temperature is 25°C (for an average temperature of 28°C). The climate is very hot in this location in november. With 62mm over 4 days,rain may be scarce during your stay.
With a good weather,the month of november is an advisable month to go in this locality.

Average temperature 28°C
Highest temperature 31°C
Lowest temperature 25°C
Sea temperature 29°C
Rainfall 62mm
Number of days with rainfall 4 day(s)
Humidity 77%
Daily sunshine hours 12
Cloud cover 15%
Length of day 11:20
Our opinion at perfect
more information about the climate in Acapulco in november

Climate in Cancun in november

In november,the mean temperature in Cancun is 26°C (maximum temperature is 28°C and minimum temperature is 25°C). The climate quite pleasant in this location in this month. With 165mm over 9 days,you risk getting wet slightly throughout your trip. But this is pretty reasonably and it will not be continuous.
With good weather conditions,november is a recommended month to go in Cancun in Mexico.

Average temperature 26°C
Highest temperature 28°C
Lowest temperature 25°C
Sea temperature 27.3°C
Rainfall 165mm
Number of days with rainfall 9 day(s)
Humidity 81%
Daily sunshine hours 11
Cloud cover 36%
Length of day 11:08
Our opinion at good
more information about the climate in Cancun in november

Climate in Chihuahua in november

In november,maximum temperature is 22°C and minimum temperature is 13°C (for an average temperature of 17°C). The climate good in that locality in the month of november. does not rain (or really exceptionally) during the month of november. You will be well dry throughout your journey!
With a good weather,the month of november is a good month to go in this locality in Mexico.

Average temperature 17°C
Highest temperature 22°C
Lowest temperature 13°C
Rainfall 26mm
Number of days with rainfall 2 day(s)
Humidity 50%
Daily sunshine hours 9
Cloud cover 13%
Length of day 10:44
Our opinion at good
more information about the climate in Chihuahua in november

Climate in Los Cabos in november

In the month of november,maximum temperature is 28°C and minimum temperature is 23°C (for an average temperature of 25°C). The climate pleasant in that locality in the month of november. It almost never rains during this month. You will not get wet during your holidays!
With ideal weather conditions,november is a recommended time to go in this locality.

Average temperature 25°C
Highest temperature 28°C
Lowest temperature 23°C
Sea temperature 26.8°C
Rainfall 24mm
Number of days with rainfall 1 day(s)
Humidity 73%
Daily sunshine hours 9
Cloud cover 11%
Length of day 11:03
Our opinion at perfect
more information about the climate in Los Cabos in november

All cities in Mexico in november

Mexico City in novembergood weather
Acapulco in novemberperfect weather
Cancun in novembergood weather
Chihuahua in novembergood weather
Los Cabos in novemberperfect weather
Aguascalientes in novembergood weather
Bahia Tortugas in novemberperfect weather
Chetumal in novembergood weather
Mazatlán in novemberperfect weather
Mérida in novembergood weather
Monterrey in novembergood weather
Palenque in novembergood weather
Puebla in novembergood weather
Puerto Chiapas (Chiapas) in novembergood weather
Puerto Escondido in novemberperfect weather
Puerto Vallarta in novembergood weather
Querétaro in novembertolerable weather
San Cristóbal de las Casas in novembergood weather
Teotihuacan in novembertolerable weather
Tijuana in novemberperfect weather
Yucatán in novembergood weather
See full list of cities (155)

Weather data for Mexico in november:

Weather data for Mexico in november is derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Mexico. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Mexico can vary slightly from year to year,but these predictions should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags and check when is the best time to go to Mexico.