Mauritius January Weather 2025:Forecast and Temperature City by City - TRIPSCOUR

Weather in Mauritius in january 2025

Below,check out the weather forecast for the month of january for most popular cities in Mauritius. These datas are probabilities for the month of january from weather reports for over 10 years. The percentage indicates the possibility of having the weather mentioned.

Where to go in Mauritius in january?

Where to go in Mauritius in january:destination map

Mauritius:weather map in january in different regions
Mauritius:weather map in january in different regions ©

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Where to go in each region in january?

29°C19 days
tolerable weather
East Coast of Mauritius
(Trou d'Eau Douce,Belle Mare,île aux Cerfs...)
28°C to 29°C9 à 10 days28°C
tolerable weather
(Port-Mathurin,Port Sud-Est,Île aux Cocos...)
28°C7 days27°C
good weather
Southern coast
(Souillac,Mahébourg,Black River Gorges National Park...)
28°C to 29°C10 à 11 days28°C
tolerable weather
The center of Mauritius
(Curepipe,Quatre Bornes,Moka...)
29°C9 à 11 days28°C
tolerable weather
The North of Mauritius
(Port Louis,Grand Baie,Trou-aux-Biches...)
29°C9 days28°C
tolerable weather
West Coast of Mauritius
(Flic en Flac,Albion,Morne Brabant...)
29°C9 à 11 days28°C
tolerable weather

Where should you go in Mauritius in january when it comes to the weather?

The climate in Mauritius in january ranges from good to tolerable depending on the region and city.

The month of January is located in the heart of the warm season. At this time of year,the climate throughout January in Mauritius is typical of the austral summer - which corresponds to warm temperatures and to the presence of more precipitation. In the morning,temperatures usually rise to 27° C and the heat is present all day. One will then enjoy a wonderful time to relax on the beach,especially in the middle of the day. Keep in mind however that this season is rainy so the showers occur more intensely - both very early in the morning and late at night.

First Ten Days of January in Mauritius

The weather in Mauritius throughout January is characterized by a few rainy days. It allows visitors to enjoy beautiful sunny days as the showers are either morning or nocturnal.

Second Ten Days of January in Mauritius

In the middle of the month,the chances of having rain in the day increase. This leaves only the mornings and the late afternoon to fully enjoy the beautiful sun of Mauritius.

Third Ten Days of January in Mauritius

Most of the time,it is nice in Mauritius - especially in the morning as the afternoons and the evening are rather humid. One simply has to plan outings accordingly to avoid rain.

Climate in Mauritius in january

Climate in Port Louis in january

In january,the mean temperature in Port Louis is 27°C (maximum temperature is 29°C and minimum temperature is 26°C). The climate is very hot in that area in the month of january. With 199mm over 9 days,you risk getting wet slightly for your stay. But this is rather reasonably and you will not be too bothered by it.
With a correct weather,the month of january is okay (but not good month) for traveling there in Mauritius.

Average temperature 27°C
Highest temperature 29°C
Lowest temperature 26°C
Sea temperature 27.4°C
Rainfall 199mm
Number of days with rainfall 9 day(s)
Humidity 81%
Daily sunshine hours 13
Cloud cover 43%
Length of day 13:13
Our opinion at tolerable
more information about the climate in Port Louis in january

Climate in Flic en Flac in january

In january,the mean temperature in Flic en Flac is 28°C (maximum temperature is 29°C and minimum temperature is 26°C). The climate good around this city in january. With 238mm over 11 days,you will experience some showers for your holidays. But this is moderate and it will not be continuous.
With proper weather,the month of january is okay (but not good month) for traveling in Flic en Flac.

Average temperature 28°C
Highest temperature 29°C
Lowest temperature 26°C
Sea temperature 27.3°C
Rainfall 238mm
Number of days with rainfall 11 day(s)
Humidity 81%
Daily sunshine hours 13
Cloud cover 44%
Length of day 13:14
Our opinion at tolerable
more information about the climate in Flic en Flac in january

Climate in Grand Baie in january

In january,maximum temperature is 29°C and minimum temperature is 26°C (for an average temperature of 27°C). The climate is very warm around this city in the month of january. With 199mm over 9 days,rainfall can happen throughout your vacations. But this is rather reasonably and it will not be continuous.
With a correct weather,the month of january is okay (but not the best month) for traveling in that area in Mauritius.

Average temperature 27°C
Highest temperature 29°C
Lowest temperature 26°C
Sea temperature 27.6°C
Rainfall 199mm
Number of days with rainfall 9 day(s)
Humidity 81%
Daily sunshine hours 13
Cloud cover 43%
Length of day 13:12
Our opinion at tolerable
more information about the climate in Grand Baie in january

Climate in Trou-aux-Biches in january

In the month of january,the mean temperature in Trou-aux-Biches is 27°C (maximum temperature is 29°C and minimum temperature is 26°C). The climate is enjoyable in that area in the month of january. With 199mm over 9 days,you risk getting wet slightly throughout your holidays. But this is pretty moderate and you will not be too bothered by it.
With a good weather,january is a good month to go in that area.

Average temperature 27°C
Highest temperature 29°C
Lowest temperature 26°C
Sea temperature 27.6°C
Rainfall 199mm
Number of days with rainfall 9 day(s)
Humidity 81%
Daily sunshine hours 13
Cloud cover 43%
Length of day 13:12
Our opinion at tolerable
more information about the climate in Trou-aux-Biches in january

Climate in Agaléga in january

In the month of january,maximum temperature is 29°C and minimum temperature is 28°C (for an average temperature of 28°C). The climate is very warm in that locality in this month. With 404mm over 19 days,rain is to be feared for your holidays. So remember to bring rain clothes.
With a correct climate,january is okay (but not the best month) for traveling in this locality in Mauritius.

Average temperature 28°C
Highest temperature 29°C
Lowest temperature 28°C
Rainfall 404mm
Number of days with rainfall 19 day(s)
Humidity 78%
Daily sunshine hours 11
Cloud cover 45%
Length of day 12:40
Our opinion at tolerable
more information about the climate in Agaléga in january

All cities in Mauritius in january

Port Louis in januarytolerable weather
Flic en Flac in januarytolerable weather
Grand Baie in januarytolerable weather
Trou-aux-Biches in januarytolerable weather
Agaléga in januarytolerable weather
Albion in januarytolerable weather
Belle Mare in januarytolerable weather
Curepipe in januarytolerable weather
île aux Cerfs in januarytolerable weather
Mahébourg in januarytolerable weather
Moka in januarytolerable weather
Morne Brabant in januarytolerable weather
Black River Gorges National Park in januarytolerable weather
Quatre Bornes in januarytolerable weather
Souillac in januarytolerable weather
Trou d'Eau Douce in januarytolerable weather
Blue Bay Marine Park in januarytolerable weather
Cap Malheureux in januarytolerable weather
Chamarel Seven Colored Earth Geopark in januarytolerable weather
Flacq in januarytolerable weather
Mont Choisy Beach in januarytolerable weather
Poudre d'Or in januarytolerable weather
Riambel in januarytolerable weather
Tamarin in januarytolerable weather
Vacoas in januarytolerable weather
Arsenal in januarytolerable weather
Centre de Flacq in januarytolerable weather
Chemin Grenier in januarytolerable weather
Goodlands in januarytolerable weather
Grande Pointe aux Piments in januarytolerable weather
Grande Riviere Noire in januarytolerable weather
Triolet in januarytolerable weather
See full list of cities (32)

Weather data for Mauritius in january:

Weather data for Mauritius in january is derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Mauritius. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Mauritius can vary slightly from year to year,but these predictions should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags and check when is the best time to go to Mauritius.