Cape Verde June Weather 2025:Forecast and Temperature City by City - TRIPSCOUR

Weather in Cabo Verde in june 2025

Here,you have access to the weather forecast for the month of june for most popular cities in Cape Verde. These predictions are probabilities for the month of june from weather reports for many years. The percentage indicates the probability of having the weather mentioned.

Where to go in Cabo Verde in june?

Where to go in Cabo Verde in june:destination map

Cape Verde:weather map in june in different regions
Cape Verde:weather map in june in different regions ©

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Where to go in each region in june?

Boa Vista
(Sal Rei,Rabil,Curral Velho...)
24°C 1 day24°C
perfect weather
(Ilha Brava,São Filipe (Fogo Island),Mosteiros...)
26°C2 days25°C
perfect weather
26°C2 days24°C
perfect weather
(Espargos (Sal Island),Santa Maria (Cape Verde),Murdeira...)
24°C 1 day23°C to 24°C
perfect weather
(Praia,Tarrafal,Pedra Badejo...)
26°C2 days24°C to 25°C
perfect weather
Santo Antão
(Porto Novo,Ribeira Grande,Tarrafal de Monte Trigo...)
24°C2 days24°C
perfect weather
São Nicolau
(Ribeira Brava (São Nicolau)...)
24°C2 days24°C
perfect weather
São Vicente
(Mindelo,Santa Luzia island,Baía das Gatas...)
24°C2 days24°C
perfect weather

Where should you go in Cabo Verde in june when it comes to the weather?

The climate in Cabo Verde in june is perfect across the board.

With a slight rise in temperature,the climate in Cape Verde throughout June is warmer than in January or February. However,the weather is still beautiful:the sky is clear,the atmosphere is comfortable. The month of June is ideal for trekking and discovering the natural wonders of the islands. One will enjoy a splendid time from morning to evening.

Mornings throughout June in Cape Verde

The mornings are bright,thanks to a sky clear of any cloudy presence. If from time to time the sky is covered,it lasts only a few hours. The mornings of June are magnificent for outdoor activities.

Midday and Early Evenings throughout June in Cape Verde

The weather in Cape Verde throughout June remains unchanged for the rest of the day. Temperatures are almost constant between the middle of the day and the end of the afternoon. It is only after dark that the weather begins to freshen.

Climate in Cabo Verde in june

Climate in Praia in june

In the month of june,the mean temperature in Praia is 25°C (maximum temperature is 26°C and minimum temperature is 24°C). The climate quite good here in june. It almost never rains during this month. You will not get wet during your journey!
With ideal weather conditions,june is a recommended time to go there in Cape Verde.

Average temperature 25°C
Highest temperature 26°C
Lowest temperature 24°C
Sea temperature 24.5°C
Rainfall 7mm
Number of days with rainfall 2 day(s)
Humidity 82%
Daily sunshine hours 12
Cloud cover 18%
Length of day 13:01
Our opinion at perfect
more information about the climate in Praia in june

Climate in Boa Vista island in june

In the month of june,the mean temperature in Boa Vista island is 23°C (maximum temperature is 24°C and minimum temperature is 23°C). The climate nice in that locality in june. It rains very rarely during the month of june. You will therefore be at the shelter from rain during your journey!
With a perfect climate,june is a recommended month to go in that area.

Average temperature 23°C
Highest temperature 24°C
Lowest temperature 23°C
Sea temperature 23.4°C
Rainfall 3mm
Number of days with rainfall 1 day(s)
Humidity 86%
Daily sunshine hours 13
Cloud cover 23%
Length of day 13:05
Our opinion at perfect
more information about the climate in Boa Vista island in june

Climate in Sal Rei in june

In the month of june,the mean temperature in Sal Rei is 23°C (maximum temperature is 24°C and minimum temperature is 23°C). The climate quite enjoyable in that locality in june. It rains very rarely during this month. You will be well dry during your trip!
With ideal weather conditions,june is an advisable time to go in this locality.

Average temperature 23°C
Highest temperature 24°C
Lowest temperature 23°C
Sea temperature 23.4°C
Rainfall 3mm
Number of days with rainfall 1 day(s)
Humidity 86%
Daily sunshine hours 13
Cloud cover 23%
Length of day 13:05
Our opinion at perfect
more information about the climate in Sal Rei in june

Climate in Baía das Gatas in june

In the month of june,the mean temperature in Baía das Gatas is 24°C (maximum temperature is 24°C and minimum temperature is 23°C). The climate is quite enjoyable around this city in this month. It's raining really exceptionally during the month of june. You will be well dry throughout your journey!
With a perfect weather,june is a recommended month to go in this locality.

Average temperature 24°C
Highest temperature 24°C
Lowest temperature 23°C
Sea temperature 23.9°C
Rainfall 4mm
Number of days with rainfall 2 day(s)
Humidity 83%
Daily sunshine hours 12
Cloud cover 20%
Length of day 13:08
Our opinion at perfect
more information about the climate in Baía das Gatas in june

Climate in Calheta in june

In the month of june,maximum temperature is 26°C and minimum temperature is 24°C (for an average temperature of 25°C). The climate is pleasant in this location in june. There is no rain during june. You will be well dry throughout your journey!
With ideal weather conditions,june is a recommended month to go in Calheta.

Average temperature 25°C
Highest temperature 26°C
Lowest temperature 24°C
Sea temperature 23.9°C
Rainfall 7mm
Number of days with rainfall 2 day(s)
Humidity 82%
Daily sunshine hours 12
Cloud cover 18%
Length of day 13:01
Our opinion at perfect
more information about the climate in Calheta in june

All cities in Cabo Verde in june

Praia in juneperfect weather
Boa Vista island in juneperfect weather
Sal Rei in juneperfect weather
Baía das Gatas in juneperfect weather
Calheta in juneperfect weather
Curral Velho in juneperfect weather
Espargos (Sal Island) in juneperfect weather
Ilha Brava in juneperfect weather
Santa Luzia island in juneperfect weather
Mindelo in juneperfect weather
Mosteiros in juneperfect weather
Murdeira in juneperfect weather
Pedra Badejo in juneperfect weather
Porto Novo in juneperfect weather
Rabil in juneperfect weather
Ribeira Brava (São Nicolau) in juneperfect weather
Ribeira Grande in juneperfect weather
Santa Maria (Cape Verde) in juneperfect weather
Santiago Island in juneperfect weather
Ilha de Santo Antão in juneperfect weather
São Filipe (Fogo Island) in juneperfect weather
São Vicente island in juneperfect weather
Tarrafal in juneperfect weather
Tarrafal de Monte Trigo in juneperfect weather
See full list of cities (40)

Weather data for Cape Verde in june:

Weather data for Cape Verde in june is derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Cabo Verde. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Cabo Verde can vary slightly from year to year,but these predictions should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags and check when is the best time to go to Cape Verde.